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WinRAR 3.70

29/05/2007, 16:31, Автор: admin

Вышла новая версия WinRAR, популярного архиватора от отечественных разработчиков. Версия с номером 3.7 значительно улучшает совместимость с операционной системой Windows Vista. Также: введена поддержка формата UDF; поддержка Unicode в ISO-имиджах; новый формат файла помощи (CHM); новая опция командной строки для самораспаковывающихся модулей; увеличено место для имен файлов в окне прогресса.

В русскоязычном сегменте сети считается неоспоримым лидером (да и на западе уже тоже). Оно и понятно, алгоритм сжатия формата RAR по праву считается одним из лучших. Удобный интерфейс, поддержка всех нужных форматов архивации и общее весьма высокое качество не оставляет шансов конкурентам. WinRAR имеет полную поддержку форматов RAR и ZIP, а также может выполнять все основные операции с форматами: 7Z, ACE, ARJ, BZ2, CAB, GZ, JAR, LZH, TAR, UUE, Z и ISO (CD-имиджи). Умеет создавать самораспаковывающиеся архивы типа SFX.

Скачать (1.11 MB - Shareware)

Список изменений:
- Numerous Windows Vista compatibility changes:

a) help format changed from old HLP to newer HTML based CHM;

b) GUI self-extracting modules attempt to request for
administrator permissions if they cannot create destination
folder under current user account;

c) Log file rar.log and WinRAR theme files are stored
in %APPDATA%WinRAR folder instead of WinRAR program files folder.

Exported settings file settings.reg is also stored
in %APPDATA%WinRAR folder by default, but it is possible to
select another folder in "Save WinRAR settings" and "Load WinRAR
settings" dialogs.

WinRAR searches for registration key and settings.reg
both in its program files folder and in %APPDATA%WinRAR;

It is possible to set the string value "AppData" in Registry key
HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareWinRARPaths to override the default
%appdata%WinRAR path for WinRAR settings.

For example, if you wish to store theme files in WinRAR folder,
set this value to "c:Program FilesWinRAR".

d) Vista compatibility changes in WinRAR shell integration;

e) New "Request administrative access" option in "Advanced" page
of "Advanced SFX options" allows to create SFX archive,
which will request the administrative access when started
in Windows Vista.

Command line equivalent of this option is -iadm switch.

- Added support for ISO 13346 (UDF) file format. This format
is frequently used in ISO images of DVD disks.

- Added Unicode support for ISO 9660 files, so WinRAR should
handle non-English file names in .iso files better.

- Design changes in window displaying archiving and extraction

a) it provides more space for file names, allowing lengthy names;

b) it displays the current archive name in separate line,
allowing much longer archive names than before;

c) when archiving, it displays the current compression ratio
in separate line;

d) it can use both standard Windows and classic WinRAR progress bars.
Turn on "Windows progress bars" option in WinRAR "Settings/General"
dialog to use standard progress bars. By default this option is
on if some Windows visual style is active and off if Windows Classic
theme is selected.

Windows progress bars are two color only, so they do not indicate
the current compression ratio. But now the ratio is displayed
in separate line;

e) "Mode..." button moved to bottom of window.

- GUI self-extracting modules support following command line

-d set the destination path
-p specify a password
-s silent mode, hide all
-s1 same as -s
-s2 silent mode, hide start dialog
-sp specify parameters for setup program

- GUI self-extracting modules do not pass the entire command line
to setup program like they did in previous versions.
If you need to get access to entire command line of SFX archive,
parse sfxcmd environment variable which contains this command line.

- New switch -sc[objects] allowing to select character
sets for archive comments and list files. It replaces -fcu switch
introduced in RAR 3.60, which was removed from list of supported
switches. Now you need to specify -scuc instead of -fcu to use
Unicode comments. Unlike -fcu, -sc also supports OEM and ANSI charset.

- New "Save archive copy as..." command in "File" menu.
This command may be useful if you opened an archive from Internet
directly in WinRAR and then decided to save it on local disk.

- "Word wrap" command added to "View" menu of WinRAR internal viewer,
so you can change the wrapping mode of already opened viewer window.

State of this option is not stored between viewing sessions.
If you need to change the default word wrap mode, use WinRAR
"Settings/Viewer" dialog.

- Buttons "Up" and "Down" added to "Organize profiles" dialog.
Using these buttons you can change position of selected profile
in the list.

- Operation progress is displayed when adding the recovery record.

- If WinRAR is minimized to tray and mouse is over its icon,
WinRAR diplays a message about the current operation progress.
In previous versions it included only percent done, now it also
contains the time left information.

- Console RAR displays "Calculating the control sum" message
when calculating CRC32 control sum for newly created RAR volume.
Previous versions also calculated the volume control sum,
but did it silently.

- Archives history list in "File" menu allows Unicode names,
providing more reliable support for non-English archive names.

- Stack overflow vulnerability has been corrected in password
processing module of console RAR and UnRAR. GUI WinRAR is not
affected. We are thankful to the iDEFENSE LABS for reporting this bug. архиватор
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полезнобесполезно +1 баллов | Голосов: 1 | Просмотров: 110630

Постоянный адрес | Распечатать

Материалы по теме:
7-Zip 15.02 Alpha
WinRAR 5.21
7-Zip 9.38 Beta
7-Zip 9.35 Beta
WinRAR 5.20
WinRAR 5.11
WinRAR 5.11 Beta 1

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30/05/2007, 20:12 yusri

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