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Pidgin 2.4.2

22/05/2008, 13:31, Автор: admin


Обновился Pidgin (ранее известный как Gaim) — кроссплатформенный IM-клиент, поддерживающий все основные протоколы (ICQ, Jabber, MSN, IRC и др.). Имеются все необходимые функции для такого рода программ — поддержка вкладок в окне разговора, ведение журнала сообщений, метаконтакты, установка и отображение аватаров, смайлики. Также возможно расширение функционала за счет сторонних модулей.

Pidgin является наиболее популярным IM-клиентом для рабочего стола GNOME в Linux, но неплохо чувствует себя и под Windows.

Скачать (12.5 MB - Open Source, GNU GPLv2)

Список изменений:
- In MySpaceIM, messages from spambots are discarded (Justin Williams)
- Strip mIRC formatting codes from quit and part messages.
- IRC now displays ban lists in-channel for joined channels.
- Fixed a bug where the list of loaded plugins would get removed when switching between different operating systems.
- Fix reception of IRC PART without a part message on Undernet (fixes a problem with litter in the channel user list).
- IRC no longer crashes on /list on servers which erroneously omit RPL_LISTSTART.
- Update the NetworkManager support to use D-Bus directly, instead of libnm-glib. Hopefully it’s stable now. It will now compile by default if you have D-Bus support and NetworkManager.h. (Elliott Sales de Andrade)
- MSN buddy list synchronization is now more forgiving, only asking about buddies who have disappeared completely from the server list and not those that have simply moved groups.
- IRC will now try to append 1-9 to your nick if it is in use, instead of substituting the last character with 1-9 where possible.
-Bonjour buddies will be saved persistently if they’re moved out of the “Bonjour” group. (Eion Robb)

- The typing notification in the conversation history can be disabled or customized (font, color etc.) in .gtkrc-2.0.
- Added a plugin (not installed by default) which adds a Send button back to the conversation window. People without physical keyboards have a hard time with the lack of the button.
- Clicking on the buddyicon in the conversation window toggles the size of the icon between small and large.
- The settings of a chat (e.g. Handle in an XMPP chat, or Exchange in an AIM chat) can be edited from its context menu in the buddy list.
- Add a “Present conversation window” preference to the Message Notification plugin; the “Raise conversation window” option does not unminimize windows or draw attention to them when they are on other workspaces--the “Present” option should.
- Add a preference to set Escape as the keyboard shortcut for closing the conversation window.
- Add an option in the context menu to disable smileys in the selected text in the conversation history/log viewer. This should help people who regularly paste code in conversations.
- Add a preference to choose the minimum size of the text input area in lines.
- Moved the “Local alias” field in the Modify Account dialog to be below the “User Options” heading on the “Basic” tab.
- Number of room occupants is now shown in chat tooltips where possible

- The configure script now dies on more absent dependencies. The --disable-xxx arguments to configure can be used to bypass unneeded dependencies. - - This will also cause the configure script to die if an --enable-xxx option is used and the dependencies it requires are missing.
- The Evolution integration plugin must now be explicitly enabled. Use the --enable-gevolution argument to configure to enable it.
- The Contact Availability Prediction plugin must now be explicitly enabled. Use the --enable-cap argument to configure to enable it.

- New default binding ctrl+x to open context menus.
- Menu triggers and other bindings will no longer conflict.
- Middle click pastes the internal clipboard (when mouse support is enabled). IM, ICQ, общение, бесплатно
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